Sunday, October 18, 2009

Break Milk Donations

If you are lactating, or know someone who is, please consider supporting this effort.

Donate breast milk for Sarah, who lost her mother soon after birth. So far she's been successful at maintaining a breast-milk only diet.

When I start lactating, and figure out how it all works!, I plan to make donations too.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Foodie Friday: Double Delish

The other night I had a whim of inspiration to cook. I made my TnT (tried 'n' true) Pad Thai (this time a simple version, no veggies, except water chestnuts because I found them lurking in the pantry and they didn't add any extra cooking time or effort). The dish included fried tofu squares, scrambled eggs, water chestnuts, some stir-fry noodles out of a bag, and the 'special sauce' (which is just white vinegar, fish sauce, and some sugar). I top it off with some lime juice when I serve it. This made me three servings - yay for refrigeration! :)

Pad Thai
Pad Thai

While I was at it, it seemed like not a lot more effort to work on another dish. I decided to make a recipe a friend's husband (Tammi & Lonni, thanks Lonni!) told me about recently: Stuffed Peppers. I bought the ingredients to make two veggie-stuffed peppers and two meat-stuffed peppers: two for me, two for Matt. I forgot I'd be out on travel, so Matt ate the meat, the peppers went bad, and so I bought more peppers after returning (everything else kept). So I ended up making three veggie-stuffed peppers, with frozen veggie burgers (as the "meat") with rice. Turns out, I didn't have the bouillon cubes that I thought I had, but I had some dried mushrooms around so I made broth with those. Here is the result:

Stuffed Peppers
Stuffed Peppers

Pretty! Matt had one so far (I'll eat one soon!) and seemed pleased with it... well, he said it was "ok" and that he'd like to try it again with meat (and I'll do a real bouillon broth next time - he's not a mushroom fan). Success!!! :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

6-month Update

Everything is “boring” (i.e., good!) from my urine sample, blood pressure, belly size, and weight gain, to baby’s heart rate and kicking patterns (he likes to move!).

Here are some specifics for those who keep score at home:

  • Baby Heart rate: 148 bpm
  • Baby kicks: we’re definitely feeling them, and he even gave us a show so midwife, assistant, and daddy all got to see one together at the checkup today
  • Mama weight gain: 18 lbs (this is A-OK)
  • Mama belly size: 25 cm (within +/- 1-3 cm of your progress in weeks is what is considered healthy; 6 months = 24 weeks)
  • Mama blood pressure: I forget the number something around 120 over something around 70
  • Mama urine: I don’t know all the measures on the stick, but this time I got them all soaked (progress!) and she said they all looked “boring” and smiled :)